Image Upgrades
Making My English Images takes some time and effort. Actually, a lot. But every once in a while, I look back at old drawings and think how much I would like to go back and make them better. On one hand, it reminds me how much I’ve grown over time. On the other hand it’s a bit overwhelming to go back and literally redo every single thing I’ve ever done.
Yikes. Not doing that. Well, not much. There are some images and drawings here on the site that I’m quite happy to give an upgrade to.
Vocabulary Cards
By far, there are more of these vocabulary cards on My English Images than anything else. Fortunately, as they are black and white, any that need a touch up, shouldn’t take too much time.
These are the images in My English Images. Traditionally, I worked in gouache, a kind of opaque water color that I absolutely love. Unfortunately, it is a bit labor intensive. Nearly all of My English Images were made by making a pencil sketch, inking them, painting them, doing touch ups, scanning them, doing more touch ups, and finally processing them for the website. Pain, in, the, backside. It did give me the best color results though. These days, I use an iPad pro and Apple Pencil which I love and hate.
These are the materials I actually use the most. Unfortunately, with a complex mix of images and text, each one also takes a great deal of time. Totally worth it though as it helps our students so much more. If you spot any typos or issues in the worksheets, PLEASE let me know and I’ll fix it right up. Both of the worksheets below recently received updates with new images, titles, text upgrades, and a bit more.
What's next?
That’s partly up to you. In some cases, I’ll be updating images when I need them for worksheets like the Napoleon image above. In other cases, I’ll try to respond to your requests. One thing I know I would love to update is the Feelings gallery. I’ve wanted to get to that for a while now!