My English Bookshop

Unlock hundreds of worksheets and 1,000+ images with more coming all the time.


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A fairy tale all about the satisfaction that comes from hard work and never giving up.


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100 Common Uncommon Words

100 Curiously Common words everyone should know. Boost your students' vocabulary today.


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Writing ABC

This is the book I made to teach my son how to write.


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Conversation for Beginners

Simple conversations and language targets everyone should master.


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Intermediate Topics

Topic-based discussions. Students will use this to speak well, and at length.


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Zombies: The Stinking Dead

This was my first kids' book: a stinky, goofy story that's perfect for Halloween.


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Thank you!

Your support and encouragement help bring images and a splash of color to kids everywhere. As a teacher and a parent, I greatly appreciate all your input, feedback, and ideas.

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